Congratulations, Papa and Mama on successfully registering!
请把工作坊费用通过线上转账 (Online Transfer) 至
Please make the payment through online transfer to the following bank account:
账户名 Account Name: PAMAME SDN BHD
银行名 Bank Name: CIMB
银行户口 Account Number: 8605345668
注明备注 Remark: Aug Preggies Workshop
成功转账后,请截屏 (Screenshot Transaction Slip) 并 WhatsApp 给我们
点击WhatsApp我们 -> 011-5438 6862
Please note that payment must be made successful to secure your registration.
Once we received your payment, we will notify you to confirm your successful registration!
我们工作坊当天在Sunway Sanctuary见!
Thank you and hope to see you at Sunway Sanctuary!

Congratulations, Papa and Mama on successfully registering!
请把工作坊费用通过线上转账 (Online Transfer) 至
Please make the payment through online transfer to the following bank account:
账户名 Account Name: PAMAME SDN BHD
银行名 Bank Name: CIMB
银行户口 Account Number: 8605345668
注明备注 Remark: Aug Preggies Workshop
成功转账后,请截屏 (Screenshot Transaction Slip) 并 WhatsApp 给我们
点击WhatsApp我们 -> 011-5438 6862
Please note that payment must be made successful to secure your registration.
Once we received your payment, we will notify you to confirm your successful registration!
我们工作坊当天在Sunway Sanctuary见!
Thank you and hope to see you at Sunway Sanctuary!