*Children under 7 years old are free, above age 7 add RM30/pax (include food and beverage only)
1. 若无法出席活动需在活动三天前自行找人替换并联系小森活 Moment.
No refunds for non-attendance on the event day. Spot transfer allowed with prior notice to organizers.
2. 根据以上的条件(1),若无法出席野餐趴,费用是无法延期的.
According to above Term and Condition (2), if fail to find someone to replace the seat, the fund will be forfeited.
3. 若遇到恶劣的天气,主办当局可以提前通知取消另选他日或者延迟进行.
Activity will be cancelled or postponed if weather is not allowed.
4. 根据以上的条件(3), 参加者可自行选择半额退款或到自定地点领取食物.
According to above Term and Condition (3),participant may opt for refund half amount or pick up food at the designated venue.
5. 根据以上的条件(3),下一场的活动费用需要另付RM70。因为前一场因天气恶劣而无法举办的活动关系,已准备好的食物无法沿用,请家长体谅。工作坊会补上其他食物的损失余额.
According to condition (4) above, an additional RM70 fee will be required for the next event. Due to the cancellation of the previous event ,the prepared food cannot be reused. We hope parent could understand situation. Little Life workshop will make up for the loss balance on food.
6. 活动适合2岁以上的儿童
Activities are suitable for kids aged 2 years old and above.
7. 粑粑麻麻必须先付费才能成功报名哦。我们一旦收到您的付款,就会通知与您确认报名成功!
Your slot will only be confirmed after payment is made